[:en]Nice to meet you. We are “parenting-teahouse cotoca”.
Opened on April 5, 2018 in Senju, Adachi-ku, Tokyo.
We are a couple who are raising their daughter,
who is 5 years and 7 months old.(As of September 20, 2020)
The first thing I thought about raising children was
Suddenly become a mother
without any knowledge or experience Have a sense.
I was lost and worried about various things,
and the couple started studying.
cotoca is working to convey to children
“adults involved with children”
the information that children need to “live better”,
but that are surprisingly unknown and not bothered.
How to be involved on a daily basis.
Daily meal.
The future of children…
Children are full of themselves,To live.
To be able to live
in strength both physically and mentally.
We cotoca are very weak.
And each adult is not good enough.
But all adults can do “better”
that they can do now,
“seriously” and face the children
without running away.
The more you choose,
the more you act,
the better you become every day.
You can confidently
hand over the future to your children.
cotoca offers various tips for raising
children in this space
that has been renovated from home.
Let’s look at the future of children together.
parenting-teahouse cotoca
2-18 Senju, Adachi-ku, Tokyo 120-0034, Japan
2015年2月 改田家結成
2018年4月 自宅を改装しこどもたちのお店「こそだて喫茶cotoca」を開業
2021年4月 創ったお店を手離しヨーロッパのマルタ共和国に移住 (言語の獲得)
2022年1月 宮崎県延岡市で「ないもの暮らし」開始 (生きる力の獲得)
それだけをしている、おかあ・改田 友子です。
- 【cotoca 新着情報】2023-09-132021年からの2年半と、閉店の真相と、これから
- 【cotoca 新着情報】2023-06-12みなさまへ重要なお知らせ
- 【cotoca 新着情報】2023-04-07創業おかあがcotocaを手離した理由
- 【会員さま限定】日記2022-08-25会員のみなさまへ