[Annex cotoca] Facebook Live 2022/3/26

March 26, 2022 We did a
Facebook live.

We did it at the place where
it was planned to be an annex.

The couple are talking about
what they are planning
and why they are doing it.

※But, in Japanese. sorry…
please look at the
old Japanese house.

#What is good for children

[Annex cotoca]

We left the shop that the couple founded with
all their thoughts and stayed
in the Republic of Malta in 2021.

We sweat as a couple who had no income
for 8 months in a foreign land.

Furthermore, the next year
will be a year of laying down,
studying, and preparing.

Moreover, it is said that the old folk house
will be renovated from the beginning
and some place will be opened.

What are they thinking with
their 7-year-old daughter …!?

All right?
Kaida family, are you sure! ??

I will write such everyday.


Fight! Kaida family

Rebooting in Nobeoka City,
Miyazaki Prefecture,
aiming to acquire and convey “zest for life”

2022/6/10 open schedule

*We are looking for people
who will cooperate in the renovation.

Small accommodation

Experience for children.

Study abroad for parents and children.

Study abroad in Covid-19.

Japanese old life experience.

Experience living in the countryside of Japan. 

Agriculture.  Natural cultivation.  organic.



2015年2月 改田家結成
2018年4月 自宅を改装しこどもたちのお店「こそだて喫茶cotoca」を開業
2021年4月 創ったお店を手離しヨーロッパのマルタ共和国に移住 (言語の獲得)
2022年1月 宮崎県延岡市で「ないもの暮らし」開始 (生きる力の獲得)


それだけをしている、おかあ・改田 友子です。

